Monday 20 June 2011


'Kolin! Kolin! She's here!'
'Oh for god's sake Kolin, get up, she's here!!!'
'Over there, the dark grey one!'
'Oh ah, yes I see, Kaspar'
<sighs> 'Kolin, the plan? surely you remember the plan?'
'Yes, Kaspar, I remember the plan, it's just that..'
'Oh shut up Kolin, she'll be over the hill soon- let's go!!!'

<sounds of feathers against the breeze, and another, as yet unidentifiable sound>

'Ok Kolin, one, two SWOOP, and TWIST and - a little lower, she can't see you there'
'But Kaspar..'
'Kolin will you just SWOOP?!?'
'I keep trying to tell you Kaspar, my string is..'
'er.. my string is caught on the traffic camera'
'your string is caught on the traffic camera...'
'er yes, it got hooked there when I was trying to get the kiddie off the ground at the weekend'
'When you were WHAT?'
'Well I had to get a bit of a flap-up to it, to get some momentum, it is quite a large child, and it got stuck under the camera, and the string got tangled'
'You had to..oh god..'
'I'm sure she'll come  back later Kaspar, we can always have another go, once we have untangled the string'

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