Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Cheep and send

Kaspar and Omelette Breakfast ™ are perched on a bridge facing the oncoming traffic.


'It is quite hard to hold it and press the button at the same time, little Breakfast'


'The white bit on the front with the black scratches?'


'Is that right?'

'Cheep-cheep, SEND button'

'Ok, little Breakfast'


'What does that mean, little Breakfast?'



'Oh, look at that. My. Not heading this way sadly, but look it is on the motorway. This is marvellous little Breakfast!'


Monday, 14 May 2012

Cheep phone

A chick comes in and drops a mobile phone in front of Kaspar.

'Hello little Breakfast, what is that shiny thing?'

'Cheep phone'

'And what is it for?'

'Cheep car, cheep ANPR Uncle Kaspar'


'Cheep tracking app cheep'

'My that is interesting, little Breakfast'

'Little grey car, cheep'

'No, little Breakfast, that sounds like something Kafka would do, not a tiny box like that'


'Ok, ok; we'll try it if you like'


Saturday, 12 May 2012

Cars, cheep

A chick wanders in with a mobile phone and drops it in from of Kara.


'A phone?'

"Cheep, cheep'

'for Kaspar, why on earth would you want to give Kaspar a phone?'

"Cars, cheep'

'Oh, don't encourage him, Ommy B, he is obsessed enough as it is'

'Cheep cheep'

'Ok, if you think you can explain it to him'


Friday, 11 May 2012

Dudettes, dude.

'Bore da Kai'

'I said, bore da Kai' 

'Mm bore da, dude'

'What's occurring, dude?'

'Looking at dudes, dude'


'Dudes, dude'

'Dudetes, dude'

'They look epic, dude' 



Monday, 7 May 2012

Aunty Kara?

'Aunty Kara?'
<tack tack tack>
'Aunt Kara?'
<tack, tack tack>
'er, Kara?'
'Yes, Omelette Breakfast?'
<tick tick tick>
'Oh for heaven's sake, yes Ommy B?'
<the chick pushes a cardboard package towards Kara'
'Well, what do you want me to do with it child?'
<on examination it appears that the package has been impossible to open for a small chick, Kara pries it apart with her beak>
'Thank you Au... Kara'
'Wait one moment child, what is that shiny thing?'
'Er nothing?'
'It is a very smooth and shiny nothing child'
'Er it might be an iPad Kara?'


`What are you wearing Kolin?'
'I found it'
'You found it where?'
'On the amuse bouche'
'It sparkles, Kolin'
'It does, doesn't it? much prettier than a string'
'What is the metal bit on the end?'
'That is where it clipped to the amuse bouche'
'There was another glittery thing, but I ate it, I thought it was a garnish'

Saturday, 5 May 2012

And once more, fluff

 <tack, tack, tack>
'Is something wrong, Kaspar?'
'What could possibly be wrong, Kolin'
'It is just that you keep looking at the bit of fluff in my beak?'
'Do you think..?'
'Do I think what?'
'Do you think it could have been from the amuse bouche?'
'The amuse what?'
'The amuse bouche, Kaspar. It was just a morsel, like in the picture'
'The picture.'
'In the magazine'
'But it didn't have the fluff in the picture; it was the same size through and it was carried by a waitress'
'And was it moving?'
'Oh yes, it was moving a lot'
'Amuse bouche don't normally move, Kolin'
'Do they bark?'
'No Kolin'

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Fluff still

'Where did the fluff come from, Kolin?'
'The fluff?'
<sigh> 'In you beak, Kolin'
'Is there fluff in my beak?'
'Yes, Kolin'
'Where did that come from?'

Tuesday, 1 May 2012


'What is that in your beak, Kolin?'
'Er, dunno. What is it in my beak Kaspar?'
'It appears to be fluff, Kolin'
'Definitely fluff'
'It must be fluff then, Kaspar'
<heavy sigh>