‘Kjell says we can stop at the next Services’
‘ mmmrchgh’
‘Kaspar, are you really holding him up with your beak?’
‘Gosh, that must be hurting him rather’
‘Ah, and it’s hurting your beak?
‘Well, we’re nearly there now. I must say I didn’t expect him to struggle so much, it was lucky we found all that stripy plastic to wrap him up in’
‘Kjell says down there’
<the sounds of a very, very undignified landing>
< Kjell takes off again, and comes back with a bucket full of rather dirty water. He upends it over the heap of feathers and police accident tape that sits between Kaspar and Kolin. There is a lot of noise>
‘Kjell says that should clean his brain out again, they have washed his sense away, and now he has washed their nonsense away’
<The three kites wait while the noise subsides, Kjell then gingerly pecks at the blue and white tape. Eventually Kant, bedraggled and miserable sits in a heap of tape. He cheeps feebly, though it must have been a long time since he was a chick. Kolin affectionately butts beaks with him. Kant cheeps a bit louder, croaks a bit, and then takes a big breath and starts swearing.