Friday 9 September 2011

A pinny?

'So, like, why do I have to wear this?'
'It is what everyone wears, my child'
'So, like, why do I have to wear it?'
'Because, it is what everyo..'
'Yeah-like, I'm not evrywn, innit KRRK?'
'My child, you most certainly are like all of us. Breathe it in, feel the one-ness, Feel the unity, FEEL THE SWOOOOOP'
'Yeah, right mate'
'I'm not sure I want to feel it mate, like, I'll be back in a minute, mate,'
'You must feel THE POWER OF THE SWOOP and the anklet CHILD'
'Yis mate, back in a tick, trust me'
A hasty but strained, flutter of feathers is heard, interspersed with the sound of an anklet being sharply chewed off.

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